March 23, 2017
Spain – Discussing SCID NBS in the Parliament Health Commission
Spain continues its campaign towards implementation of newborn screening (NBS) for severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCID). The Spanish Parliament Commission for Health and Social Services will soon discuss and vote a motion tabled by the Cuidadanos party requesting the implementation of SCIS NBS in the country. The type of motion in discussion is non-binding but might pave the way for a future legislative proposal that allows the inclusion of SCID’s in the national newborn screening programme.
AEDIP (Spanish national PID patient group) and IPOPI have been working closely together with several national PID experts, for over a year, on a step by step campaign which has already led to positive results.
SCID is the most severe form of PID. An early diagnosis at birth is the only way to ensure babies with SCID can access their curative treatment in a timely and successful manner.