October 4, 2021

Regional Latin American IPOPI PID meeting is this month

IPOPI’s upcoming Regional Latin American PID Patients Meeting, organised back-to-back with LASID (Latin American Society for Immunodeficiencies) Congress, takes place on October 13-14, 2021.

This is one of the most important events for patients with primary immunodeficiency in Latin America. The sessions are organised by healthcare professionals and patients and focus on PID clinical care and diagnosis as well as workshops for patients.  The aim is to increase their skills and provide tools for spreading the word and raising awareness about PIDs in Latin America in order to save lives.

The programme will include an overview of the COVID-19 status in Latin America and discuss the ‘Keys to PID diagnosis’ and how to ‘Open the door to treatments’. Several engaging workshop and interactive session are planned, including ‘Short and long-term thinking and acting’.