December 18, 2018
Prevention highlighted as key priority at EU Health Summit
Prevention was highlighted as one of the key priorities emanating from the 1st EU Health Summit co-organised by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and 27 other stakeholder organisations including IPOPI. The Summit took place in Brussels on 29 November. Mrs Martine Pergent, IPOPI’s President, and Mr Johan Prevot, IPOPI’s Executive Director, took part in the conference.
They highlighted, among other priorities, the important role of newborn screening in prevention as well as the key role patient organisations can play in digital health amid discussions on research and innovation, health data, healthcare organisation and financing as well as health in all policies.
The EU Health Summit was prepared in the prospect of the upcoming EU elections and with a view to launch EFPIA’s recommendations prepared with the input of all 28 partner organisations. The recommendations aimed to present a shared vision for the future of health in Europe, calling upon the next European Commission and European Parliament to bring about necessary changes. The recommendations call the European Commission to have high level tools and governance to include a health perspective in all their policies, believing that the EU has an important role to play in ensuring a healthy future for Europe. This is particularly true for rare diseases where the EU has undoubtedly had a concrete impact and for which the EU should look at its achievements not as a job well done but as the solid foundations for what still needs to be done.
For a summary of the recommendations click here
For the full version of the recommendations click here
For more information on the EU Health Summit and next steps click here