March 20, 2024

 Insights from IPSPI’s PID CME in Delhi

IPSPI, in association with the Department of Pediatrics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Delhi, organised a CME on PID (IEI) on 16 December 2023 in the Auditorium, CNBC, Delhi from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM under the Chairmanship of Dr Seema Kapoor, Director, CNBC, Delhi. The distinguished speakers were: Dr Dinesh Kaul, SGRH, New Delhi; Dr Mukesh Desai, BJ Wadia Hospital, Mumbai; Ms Rubby Chawla, Founder and President, IPSPI, India; Dr Seema Kapoor, Professor of Genetics, MAMC, LN Hospital, New Delhi and Director, CNBC, Delhi; Dr Arpita Chattopadhyay, CNBC, Delhi; Dr. Nita Radhakrishnan, SSPHPGTI, Noida; Dr Anu Maheshwari, Kalawati Saran Hospital, LHMC, New Delhi.

Inauguration of the Help Desk for the registration of Rare Diseases in MAMC, LN Hospital, was represented by IPSPI. Maulana Azad Medical College –MAMC, Delhi, is one of the 12 Rare Diseases Excellence centres nationwide. IPSPI’s continuous lobbying with the Government and bureaucrats has resulted in the implementation of the National Policy of Rare Diseases wherein all PID patients can register in the nearest rare diseases excellence centres across the Nation and  get treatment to the extent of 5 million INR supported by the Central Government of India(one-time treatment or as many treatments needed till the fund of 5 million INR  allocated per patient is exhausted)

IPSPI celebrated Rare Disease Day at M.C.D Park, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, organised by the Institute of Medical Genetics and Genomics, SGRH, New Delhi, on 22 February 2024.

IPSPI partnered with ORDi in the event Race for 7 in 7 km. walk/run across 15 cities on 25 Feb. 2024.