October 3, 2020
IPOPI Global Patients Meeting – last days to register
The XVI IPOPI Global PID Patients Meeting was planned to take place this year in Birmingham, UK, between October 14-17, back to back with the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) and International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies (INGID) biennial meetings. The COVID-19 pandemic has made us adjust our plans and move this meeting into a virtual format. The 2020 Global PID Patients Meeting will take place on October 15 and 16, between 13h and 17h30 CEST and is especially designed for IPOPI’s National Member Organisations (NMOs) representatives.
Nothing replaces in-person interaction but this meeting is cost free, doesn’t require traveling and several members of your NMO can attend!
To register and to access the full programme please email Natalie Helena (natalie@ipopi.org). Registration is free but mandatory and closes on October 7, 17h CEST!
Martine Pergent, IPOPI President, said that “the primary concern for IPOPI will always be the health and well being of our patient community and stakeholders. IPOPI has been closely monitoring the evolution of the COVID19 outbreak and, based on the global nature of our meeting and on the fact that our delegates are primarily patients living with a primary immunodeficiency or their family relatives, it is our conclusion that it would be safer to not hold an in-person meeting in Birmingham in October but rather have an online meeting”.
The IPOPI Board felt that the GPM is an important event for the IPOPI family held every two years and that rather than cancelling it, the meeting should be upheld in alternative format to ensure our delegates can still come together, interact and discuss the priorities of our community.
“We are disappointed that for the first time since our founding meeting in 1990 in Oxford we will not be able to join our colleagues and friends at ESID and INGID” Johan Prevot, IPOPI Executive Director explained “but this is a new global reality and we felt we must put the welfare of our patients delegates to the forefront of our decision”.
Welcome to GPM from IPOPI’s Executive Director, Johan Prevot
Do not miss the XVI GPM by IPOPI President, Martine Pergent
GPM 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal