December 17, 2019
IPIC2019 welcomed 750 participants
IPOPI, the International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies welcomed 750 participants interested in learning more about diagnosis and clinical care of primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) at IPIC2019, the fourth International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress, that took place in Madrid, Spain, at the Hotel Marriot Auditorium, on 6-8 November 2019.
Dr Enrique Terol, the European Commission representative for European Reference Networks (ERNs), was invited to give the Welcome Address. He provided an interesting overview of the idea behind the creation of ERNs – tackling complex and rare conditions requiring specialized healthcare, knowledge and resources. He also shared the challenges that lay ahead, especially the integration in national health care systems and the effective support at hospital level.
The congress programme featured world-renowned experts in the field of PID as well as other key stakeholders who shared their invaluable experience and unique perspectives on major clinical developments and advances in the field. 96% of the congress participants stated that IPIC2019 was useful to extremely useful to their professional activity.
The congress was designed to advance PID clinical care by putting the patients’ interest at the centre of all discussions.
The programme engaged international delegates through interactive sessions and pertinent topics, such as, Management of respiratory issues in PID, Novel PID diagnostics, Management of complex PID cases, Regional clinical priorities, Gene therapy developments, Managing PID in adulthood and old age, Ethical issues around PID care and diagnosis, Perspectives on future care and diagnosis developments.
IPIC2019 was endorsed by 37 medical and professional societies and was granted 12 Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits by the European Union of Medical Experts.
213 abstract for posters presentation were approved for the congress, many of
which by young physicians with an interest in PID. The authors of the three
best posters were distinguished with a monetary grant and given the opportunity
to present in a dedicated congress session.
IPOPI designed a more dynamic approach to the Poster Presentations by
organizing Guided Poster Walks, dedicated to 8 topics. The Walks took 30 min,
include 5 selected Posters and had key PID physicians as Guides. Presenters of
the selected Posters got to do 2 min flash presentation and
answer questions from the crowd.
Martine Pergent, IPOPI President, stated that IPOPI was ‘excited to be back in Europe for the 2019 edition of IPIC and building on previous events.’ She also mentioned that IPIC2019 ‘hoped to deliver a diverse and stimulating scientific programme focusing on the state of the art in PIDs diagnosis and clinical care.’
IPOPI announced that the next IPIC will be held in Berlin, Germany, between 3-5 November 2021 and it is expected to be the biggest and most well attended congress yet.