September 25, 2015
IPIC2015 is very popular!
The 2nd International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress (IPIC2015) is becoming increasingly popular! Don’t miss out on your chance to participate and register today. We will be waiting for you with an exciting programme on clinical developments in the field of Primary Imunodeficiencies.
IPIC2015 is happy to announce that 157 abstracts have been approved for poster presentation! The three best abstracts will be presented with monetary awards of € 1000, € 750 and € 500 during the congress and granted with a special session time to present their posters. In addition 15 junior doctors who are presenting posters were awarded travel grants to facilitate their attendance. We look forward to meeting all these young physicians with an interest in PIDs in Budapest!
IPIC2015’s key social event will be the Danube river congress cruise dinner on Thursday 5 November 2015. Make sure you book your seat for this wonderful networking event with the finest Hungarian food, wine and music. If you are already registered to attend the congress but not the dinner please contact the Organising Secretariat at