March 25, 2021

France – 10 clinical warning signs of PID now in video!

IRIS association has just produced two videos featuring the 10 clinical warning signs for PID, in children and in adult, in a dynamic and attractive manner.

PID remain underdiagnosed, especially in adults, but not only. Between the first symptoms of a PID and its diagnosis, months and years may pass jeopardizing patients’ health. Patients are often referred to specialist physicians (ENT, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, etc), who are not always aware of PIDs and do not think that these symptoms may have a genetic background.

This is why IRIS decided to disseminate the 10 warning signs that can lead to PID diagnosis releasing two videos produced in partnership with CEREDIH, the French national reference centre for PIDs.
These videos aim to become an awareness tool for the general public and may attract the attention of medical specialists for whom PIDs are still not well known, especially if used at the beginning of a webinar or during a congress. They also have been edited to work well for social media campaigns.
Versions with English subtitles are also available to reach a broader audience. Do not hesitate to share them!

IRIS – PID 10 warning signs for adults 

IRIS – PID 10 warning signs for children