ERN-RITA General Meeting
March 31, 2020
IPOPI, represented by Martine Pergent, Johan Prevot and Leire Solis, was pleased to actively participate in the European Reference Network on Rare Immunodeficiencies, Auto-Immune and Auto-Inflammatory Diseases (ERN RITA) General Meeting which was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on 17-18 January 2020.
The two-day meeting was an excellent opportunity for the healthcare providers and stakeholders including patient representatives to come together, not only discuss about what ERN-RITA can bring to its members and how members can contribute, but also about the future.
The first day of the meeting focused on the ongoing work of the network, the latest updates on European Reference Network EU developments. Importantly the ERN-RITA network agreement which formalises the relationship of the members within the Network, sets out common rules as well as the network’s governance terms was also discussed at length and approved. The programme also featured updates from ERN-RITA’s working groups and RIPAG which bring together the different patient communities active in the network as well as interactive subgroup sessions.
On the second day the outcomes of the subgroup discussions were discussed, but also the use of Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS), RITA training and education objectives as was as an update on the RITA website and communications needs during which Mrs Pergent highlighted the importance for working groups to send updates on their work to the communications working group so that the latest updates of ERN-RITA’s work can be communicated optimally.
Lastly it was announced that Board elections will be organised during the first half of the year.
For more information on ERN-RITA please see: and for latest news: