December 15, 2023

Dove Presentation on PIDs

Dove Primary Immune Deficiency Patients Organization (DPIDPO) was formed in March and fully registered in 4th April 2023 in Uganda. This is an Organisation which helps create awareness about Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases in Uganda with the help of IPOPI. As a new organisation we have managed to hold talk shows about the disorder on radios, newspaper and on different social media pages. We have participated in different World Pi Week activities which we have shared with the world to see Dove’s plans come 2024 ,we are looking forward to holding talks with health personal to avail information about PIDs like booklets, pamphlets etc.

We shall strengthen Doctors Patients relationships which will easy diagnosis through looking at the symptoms critically. In order to improve on the testing facilities and equipment, flying blood samples to more developed countries, we are going to hold talks with hospital heads both Private and Government hospitals to put these services for they would gain from them at the end of the day.

We will collaborate with IPOPI, to advocate for opportunities enabling doctors and nurses to pursue studies in the field of Immunology. We shall hold talk shows on radio like (health net) on Radio One and we shall ask government to make immunoglobulin treatment among the essential drugs since WHO already recognised it.

Dove is going to encourage the importance of new born screening to all pregnant mothers by targeting all hospitals that major in delivery expecting mothers. Dove is going to strengthen its relationship with different NMOs like PIDS Kenya CIPO through sharing ideas on how to help patients live a healthier life.

The above is achieved because 15% of the population is believed to have Primary Immune Deficiency disease.