December 18, 2018
CSL Behring donates to IPOPI at ESID Meeting
IPOPI is pleased to be the recipient of a CSL Behring donation resulting from symbolic donations collected during the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESDI) meeting, last October in Lisbon, Portugal.
CSL Behring dedicated a section of their company booth at the ESID meeting to encourage attendees to participate in a donation activity under the theme “Powerful Partners – Stronger Together” to benefit IPOPI, by simply symbolically pushing on the donation kiosk button. Patient video testimonials were also displayed in the donation centre. This resulted in a 15,000€ donation being made to IPOPI and which will be put to good use to support the IPOPI clinical care webinar programme.
IPOPI’s Executive Director Johan Prevot said “IPOPI relies on donations in fulfilling its commitment to advocate for PID patients around the world. We are grateful to all our industry partners who provide, among other resources, donations like this.”
Stay tuned for more news soon on the upcoming 2nd IPOPI clinical care webinar!