June 25, 2020
China – Meet Amber, new mascot and comfort toy
In celebration of World PI Week 2020 PID Care China would like to introduce all to Amber, PID China’s new logo mascot and comfort toy who we hope will help young PID patients in China cope with their diseases.
Amber is a Sun bear, on a space suit, with the motto «100% Love, No borders». Sun bears are the smallest, less known and one of the rarest of all bears. Each bear has a unique U-shaped amber colour crest on its chest resembling the rising or setting of the sun. In ancient China, Amber was believed to bring good fortune and calm the spirits. And because of its color, both East and West believe that amber is made of the essence of the sun.
Amber wears a spacesuit inspired by David Vetter’s (also known as the ‘bubble boy’) NASA germ-free suit. David Vetter’s life story as a SCID patient is well know across the globe but less so in China.
We hope Amber can give hope and comfort to all Chinese PID patients and help us connect with the worldwide PID community. Together with all the other patients from all over the world, we truly believe that love has no borders.