March 15, 2023

Art and Calligraphy Campaign for Rare Diseases Day 2023

To celebrate Rare Disease Day 2023, this February, PID Care China launched an Art and Calligraphy campaign with the theme ”Share your colors”. Participants were encouraged to submit their artwork about their dreams and colors.

We received 39 artworks within a month, of which 12 will be selected by our art teacher volunteers. Each of the 12 participants who created these artworks will be awarded a cash prize and a certificate. Our participants are not only PI patients and families, but also volunteers and other rare disease patients. Each artwork was created with tremendous effort, and we were pleased to see so many individuals showcasing their creative talents in honour of Rare Diseases Day this year.

Finally, our guests, including a Pl patient, a caregiver, a Pl expert, and a pharmaceutical company representative announced the names of the prize winners, to the cheering of our audience.

As part of the Rare Diseases society, we were very excited to celebrate this special day with the rest of the world. We will continue to support our patients and caregivers in China and keep raising awareness of rare diseases, including Primary Immunodeficiencies.