December 17, 2019
Argentina – Patients’ meeting and medical education in Tucuman
On Saturday the 14th September the Association for the Aid of Primary Immunodeficiency Patients (AAPIDP) held a “Children’s Day” celebration in the Botanical Garden Carlos Thays in Buenos Aires city, Argentina.
It was a lovely afternoon in which families were given an opportunity to share an educational as well as recreational activity.
The Botanical Garden possesses a great collection of unique and diverse plants, making it an unmatchable educational resource. It promotes biodiversity, good values, and a positive attitude towards the care, appreciation and sustainable use of the environment.
After concluding the activities, we enjoyed a snack and handed presents to the children.
This event was also an opportunity for us to raise awareness on PIDs in the community, since people that were passing by the area would come up to us and learn about our work.
We thank the Botanical Garden and CSL Behring for their collaboration for this event.