December 16, 2019
11th NACLIS in Kuala Lumpur
IPOPI had the great pleasure to co-organise and support the 11th National Clinical Immunology Symposium (NACLIS), together with the Malaysian Society for Allergy and Immunology (MSAI) and with IPOPI’s Malaysian member, MyPOPI, among others. The symposium took place on November 20-21, 2019, in the newly opened Hospital Pengajar University Putra Malaysia (HPUPM), and welcomed both national, regional and international speakers. This gathering was the 2nd international conference on PIDs in Malaysia and brought together participants from Thailand, India, France, Portugal and The Netherlands, following the 1st well appreciated international conference that took place in 2013.

The participants were warmly welcomed to the meeting by Dr Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff, President of MSAI, who discussed NACLIS’ development since it was founded as well as offered his “perfect vision on PIDs in 2020”. He also emphasised the important work of MyPOPI, led by IPOPI Treasurer Mr Bruce Lim, who tirelessly works to improve PID diagnosis and care for patients in Malaysia. This was followed by a brief ceremony led by Dr Muhammad Mohd Isa, Director of HPUPM, officially opening the symposium. The two meeting days offered insights on the progress made in Malaysia as well as the challenges that remain. This was combined with lectures from the regional and international speakers, resulting in a very interesting symposium with fruitful discussions and exchange of experiences. IPOPI is very grateful to have been invited to co-organise and support and we look forward to future meetings in the region.